30 December 2012
Petang tadi dengan pantas Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim memberi penjelasan bahawa pihak kerajaan tidak ada halangan malah memberikan kebenaran kepada Presiden PAS tersebut untuk memberi penjelasan didalam media elektronik milik kerajaan atau swasta.
Nah apa lagi Datuk Seri Hadi? Dah dapat kebenaran bukan? Bila agaknya nak bagi penjelasan tersebut? Jangan nanti haji Hadi pusing pusing cerita pula dalam tv tu.
Ceritanya senang, haji Hadi perlu jelaskan tentang amanat beliau sehingga membuatkan orang ramai khususnya pengikut PAS yang taksub dengan amanat tersebut melakukan perkara perkara diluar norma norma sebagai manusia dan penganut agama islam sebenar.
Sampai ada yang sanggup bercerai berai, ada yang sanggup memutuskan saudara, tidak memakan sembelihan, sanggup akad nikah 2 kali, sanggup tidak mahu menyembahyangkan jenazah, sanggup sembahyang berasingan dan pelbagai lagi.
Ini semua perlu dijelaskan sepenuhnya, jangan nanti ada lagi kekeliruan dikalangan rakyat Malaysia khusunya yang beragama Islam.
29 December 2012
Sebelum ini memang sudah tersebar cerita mendakwa semasa 11 bulan jadi kerajaan di Perak selepas pilihanraya umum ke 12,pakatan pembangkang ' kenduri sakan' agih kawasan balak di negeri itu.
Menariknya PAS-PKR-DAP diketahui umum memang cukup rajin dalam bab menuduh Barisan Nasional yang galak buat kerja itu.
Dalam ceramah-ceramah di serata ceruk kampong mereka sentiasa gambarkan merekalah yang cukup beramanah dan tak main dengan balak segala macam.
Mungkin mereka duga tembelang mereka tidak akan terdedah kerana tidak menjangka langsung kerajaan pakatan Perak akan tumbang dalam masa sekejap.
Setiap urusan pentabiran kerajaan ada hitam putihnya.Oleh itu bukan susah untuk mengesannya.
Itu baru 11 bulan perintah Perak.
Senang cakap...kalau berani silalah Menteri Besar kerajaan 11 bulan itu, Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaludin keluar satu kenyataan rasmi menafikan pernah meluluskan agihan kawasan balak semasa pentabirannya.
Juga kalau berani...senaraikan kepada siapa kawasan balak diberi. Itu satu hal.
Ini satu hal lain. Kalau lulus pemberian kawasan balak mengikut peraturan lainlah ceritanya.
Pada sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri Jumaat,Zambry mendakwa Nizar sewaktu jadi Menteri Besar meluluskan kawasan balak kepada beberapa syarikat tanpa melalui Jawatankuasa Balak.
Dakwanya Nizar (PAS-Pasir Panjang) menggunakan kuasanya sebagai menteri besar ketika itu untuk meluluskan permohonan komponen balak berkenaan.
Menurut kata Menteri Besar Perak itu, biasanya Jawatankuasa Balak akan bermesyuarat dan melihat senarai permohonan, kemudiannya baru diluluskan. Tetapi Adun Pasir Panjang luluskan menggunakan kuasanya tanpa memanggil mesyuarat.
Hebat sungguh la Pakatan Haram ni masa memerintah, mungkin mereka ni ingat semua tu takkan terbongkar dan takkan ada siapa nak bongkar agaknya, nah lepas ni sila lah jawab.
19 December 2012
Anwar will not stop until the voting day and even after that he will continue, unless of course, his opposition group wins and he becomes PM, the position he yearns so much that he is willing to sell anything and everything to be there.
Deepak in the meantime has got himself into a trap he could not get out despite his over confidence appearance when handling the press, of course la, the press owned by the opposition.
Thinking he had saved himself by revealing the purported truth β because those are his words that have yet to be ascertain β he had also revealed the 'other truth' in a video recording with, as he mentioned an Umno supreme council member and two bloggers, which contradicted his words with the press.
And since DAP and Karpal Singh had lodged a police report against him and the subject matter, alleged involvement of those people he mentioned, Deepak is going to undergo lots of questioning and this will be very interesting.
Expect Deepak to begin 'turning around' or begin meandering on his story so much so that he may lose the first partβ¦unless he is being taught and remember the scripts prepared.
Deepak can be considered just like Anwar, a desperate man, but on different grounds. While Anwar is desperate to become PM to serve his foreign masters, Deepak is desperate to get the banks out of his back.
He wanted business and as usual, lobbied and spent lavishly to get his business, not on his own merit though if he had to spend (get what it means).
Of course, in business u get some projects and you lose someβ¦nobody gets all the government projects despite spending money, wonder why this spending has to be done because this in reality defies others who are genuinely based on merits.
17 December 2012
DAP National Convention: Malays Down, Indians To Go...
Being a racist is bad enough, but being a racist and a kiasu is what makes DAP a true evil. As a kiasu, DAP only takes and never give back because the word, 'tolerance' doesn't exist in their vocabulary.
It is even clearer now, when DAP joins hand with PAS and PKR than before, that the party has always put themselves above everybody else, above other races. PAS and PKR have no choice but to 'kow-tow' to DAP even in matters so close to the heart of the supporters, like those concerning religion.
The slogan 'total equality' that DAP boasts of, is a subjective thing as it only serves justice in their eyes if it would result in the Chinese remains as superior.
When DAP took over Penang, their intention is to turn the state into a 'mini-Singapore' where the Chinese dominates and the rest obliged. Penang is the best example of DAP's ruling where the Chinese are given privilege and special treatment compared to the rest. When a Chinese kampung is affected in a development project, the villagers were access to lawyer's advice and chances to fight and be compensated accordingly. But Kampung Buah Pala, an Indian kampung, didn't get the same treatment even though a specific promise was made and recorded that the kampung would be saved in no time by the PR-DAP government. What happened was, the kampung was demolished in no time at all. And it goes the same with the Indians and Malay stalls where they were demolished for obstructing traffic but the Chinese stalls that caused a far worse traffic obstruction, remain untouched.
11 December 2012
PAS nk ugut Boikot PRU-13????
PAS bodek DAP????
Kemelut Politik di Perak
09 December 2012
Konsep 1Malaysia dimanipulasikan Pembangkang PR mengenai Isu RASIS untuk meraih undi
07 December 2012
PANAS-βNizar Pembohong Bersiriβ
01 December 2012
Wawancara Khas PAU 2012 - Keperluan Politik Baru